Saturday, 16 November 2019


Friday 22 February - Auto select save size. System will remember the "Saver size", user just need to select it at the first time. This seems to be a trend with newer flashcards, although some users prefer being still able to access the DS dashboard without removing the card first. Neverthless we'd advice downloading the latest version from the official site, seeing how the revision included is an old v3. supercard ds one scshell

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Real time save file with different version are incompatible. Can anyone help me? As difficult as it is to bid farewell to our trusty Supercard patching software, scsyell is not necessary anymore. But some games and new games "Saver size" are not in the database, if a game can not save, user should select the "Saver size" manually. What firmware is your DSi on though?


Set Supercsrd to Rumble Mode: The software revision used is version 3. Sunday 24 February - The lower margin of the screen is taken by Moonshell's trademark digital clock and termometer, which is as inaccurate as we've come to expect from it.

Why not displaying only switches for advanced functions, such as RTS, cheats and multisavers? Resumed to support save to SD directly in patch mode. Total 20 Related Items.

supercard ds one scshell

As disastrous as it was the the older R4 revisions, we do prefer this kind of mechanism, as it allows for easier removal of the card, which would otherwise require one's fingernails. Download Play There isn't suprrcard to say: Also, three additional buttons are shown, which we'll take into account right now.

If realtime save make noise, please close NDS to sleep mode and open can fix the problem. The DS ONE package is factory-sealed by an adhesive strip, which doubles as both a warranty seal and a mean to keep the box closed: Fixed some problems in patch database.

supercard ds one scshell

Fixed halt game bug when trim ROM. This function can be used in Standard mode, do not need to use any software.


Updated the patch database to What follows is the complete list of the titles we tested, their color showing their compatibility. This Mode is designed for future functions.

Share This Page Tweet. DLDI auto-patching has become a common feature among recent flashcards and has significantly reduced the hassle for less experienced users. TirithRRJan 3, So scshelo something that can easily happen without you thinking about it.

SuperCard DS One v3

You must log in or sign up to reply here. Which I believe is this one: Added write card check-up to avoid error when writting card.

This, along with a not exactly flawless input detection, is an obvious giveaway of the system suprecard roots. Please follow the instruction of readme.

How do i upgrade my Supercard DS ONE

Fixed ROM can not open cheat code menu problem. Sigma Star Saga worked fine, thanks to patching on the scsell, although there were minor graphical glitches; Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow showed no problem in being recognised by its DS sequel and we effortlessly surfed the web with Opera, albeit painstakingly slowly. Enable GBA game be loaded to slot 2.

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