Monday, 18 November 2019


You can load this file whenever you need it. The following sections include these topics: Skill Names Displays information for agents who possess the selected skills. Contact Type Displays information for the specified contact type or types incoming, outgoing, internal, redirect, transfer-in, or outbound preview. You can now select additional general or detailed report settings, or click View to view the report. Related Topics Specify filter parameter, on page View reports, on page Specify filter parameter A filter parameter lets you limit the information that a report includes by selecting only the information that you want.

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SS hours, minutes, seconds that the agent spends talking on outbound calls. Invalid Number Displays the invalid calls in ascending order.

Move to a specific page Select the number that appears in the Page Number field, enter the page number that you want, and then press the Enter key.

Accepted Displays the calls accepted in ascending order. Date Date of each day in the interval. The data on these servers has not been synchronized past date and time.

Wait Time Time from when a supervisor chooses to monitor an agent or a CSQ to when the monitoring starts. If you run a report after a failover, the response differs based on the type of failover: The report prints on the default printer that has been designated for your computer.

This number can be either a route point number or an agent extension. Logged-In Duration Elapsed time between login and logout times. Session ID is the unique session identification number cixco the system assigns to a call. The Hourly Report table includes a summary row for each date and a summary row for the whole query interval. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Historical Reports User Guide |

Total Chats Presented Displays the report by the number of chats presented to agents. The delete date time determines whether the e-mail falls within the interval.

Time in RC n4 Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the reason code n4, system-defined reason code. The string in parentheses displays the login ID of the agent.

If you do not want to include charts, uncheck this check box. A contact that is routed to and accepted by an agent is Attempted by the system. To specify the historical reports that a user can generate, perform these steps: Filter Parameter Result Reprts Group Ccisco Displays information for agents who belong to the specified resource groups.

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Destination Type can be agent, device, or unknown. Hour The hour for which the aggregated license information is displayed. You can change the default directory and the base file name for a Report Settings file.

For logged-in and idle time, only uniffied time when the agent was associated with the selected resource group is considered. You cannot do the following with the installed stock templates: Busy Displays the busy calls in ascending csco. The Call Custom Variables Report includes the following information: Skill Name Displays agents with selected skills.

By default, the report shows information for eight predefined reason codes.

Cisco Historical Reporting Uninstall for UCCX 8.x fails with Error 1722

Time in RC n6 Time that an agent spent in Not Ready state for the reason code n6, system-defined reason code. These contacts are re-dialed.

If the contact is marked for Callback and later called by the same or another agent, this call record is still Attempted once. Access reports Your access to the reporting application depends on administrator-assigned privileges. Field Description Call Priority Final priority that the Unified CCX workflow assigns to the call when the call is received, from 1 lowest priority to 10 highest priority.

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